Ken Roberts Plaque Winners

Ken Roberts Plaque Winners

Ken Roberts Plaque
Ken Roberts Plaque



Peter Aberson and Eddy KensbockCordyceps longisegmentis (Jointly Awarded)


1st: Andy SmithMutinus ravenelli 

2nd: Ellie Tulk (Junior Plate)


1st: Jeni GreenAmanita strobiliformis 

2nd: Eg AbersonMacrotyphula fistulosa var. contorta 


1st: Jeni Green –  Lactarius acris 

2nd: Peter AbersonGeastrum pectinatum 


1st: Jeni Green – rare rooting Coprinus 


1st: Denise Vincent Postia Fragilis 

2nd: Ellie TulkPluteus Aurantiorugosus  – (Junior plate)


1st: Ann CryerPluteus Petastatus  found in the New Forest on 1/11/16. 119 records in the UK on CATE2 database.

2nd: Jeni GreenEntoloma Euchroum found at Thornicombe Wood (Hardy’s Birthplace) on National Fungus Day 9/10/16. 130 records in the UK on CATE2 database.


1st: Jeni GreenCoprinopsis Pseudonivea found on an old cow pat at Fontmell Down on the 5/8/2017. 31 records in the UK on CATE2 database.

2nd: Denise Vincent Geastrum Quadrifidum found at Wimborne Road Cemetery on the 19/11/2017. 47 records in the UK on CATE2 database.


1st: Tony Lovegrove Leucoagaricus crystaliffer found on National Fungus Day 7/10/18 at Thorncombe Wood (Hardy’s Birthplace) near Dorchester. 6 records on CATE2 database.

2nd: Jeni GreenTremella steidleri found at Blackwater Woods in the New Forest on 26/10/18. 14 records on CATE2 database.