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Constitution & GDPR Notice
The Group shall be called the Dorset Fungus Group
The aims of the Dorset Fungus Group shall be to :-
- investigate and record the fungi of Dorset
- encourage an interest in the importance of fungi in everyday life, wherever possible develop a greater understanding of fungi through forays, talks and workshops open to members of the group and the public
- increase the awareness of fungi through contact with local members of both professional and amateur groups which have environmental interests promote the conservation of fungi and of threatened habitats of rare fungi.
- Membership Shall be open to all individuals who support the aims of the group.
The officers of the group shall be a Chairperson, Secretary and Committee Treasurer, together with such other members as elected at the Annual General Meeting.
An AGM shall be held in April/May each year to receive an annual report, accounts of the previous year, and to elect officers.
Shall be by a simple majority of members present.
All money received shall be devoted to the aims of the group and shall be paid into a bank or building society account in the name of the Dorset Fungus Group. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all income and expenditure and provide a report for each meeting and a financial statement to the AGM. All cheques drawn against the account shall be signed by the Treasurer or as the account demands. The accounts shall be audited by a competent person.
ln the event of the group being dissolved any remaining funds will be passed, at the discretion of the Committee, to the Fungus Conservation Trust.
The constitution may be altered as and when necessary by a the Constitution simple majority at the AGM. Where changes need to be considered before the next AGM, the constitution may be altered as and when necessary by simple majority vote at a General Meeting for which members must be notified at least 14 days in advance.
Constitution for Dorset Fungus Group as approved at the Annual General Meeting held on 24th January 2007.
Dorset Fungus Group Data Privacy NoticeDorset Fungus Group complies with its obligations under the General Data ProtectionRegulation (GDPR) by ensuring personal data is processed lawfully and in a transparentmanner; and that it is relevant and limited to what is necessary. We protect personal datafrom loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure.The Dorset Fungus Group’s management committee is the data controller and is responsiblefor your personal data and decides how your personal data is processed and for whatpurposes.1. Your personal data – what is it?Personal data is anything that could allow a living person to be identified.2. Where does this data come from?Personal data comes from the members themselves when they join from the 1st April eachyear and annually thereafter if they renew their membership.3. What personal data is collected from you and why?The Membership Secretary collects personal data in the form of name, address, emailaddress and telephone number, from the information supplied by each member on themembership form. This information will be used for the following:– to administer membership records;– to record subscriptions paid by members;– to record our income and expenditure to ensure financial transparency;– insurance purposes;– to inform you of forays, news, and events4. Does the Dorset Fungus Group collect any “Special Category Data”?GDPR refers to sensitive personal data as “Special categories of personal data”. DorsetFungus Group does not record sensitive personal data such as date of birth, age, race,colour or creed, credit card or any other similar personal financial information.5. On what lawful basis is your personal data collected and processed?Explicit consent: the individual has given clear consent for you to process theirpersonal data for a specific purpose. Dorset Fungus Group achieves this by askingindividuals to positively ‘opt in’ to gain consent:– to process personal information– to contact you with information regarding forays, social events, Annual General Meetings;and any last-minute changes in the programme.Legitimate Interests: the processing is necessary for your legitimate interests or thelegitimate interests of a third party unless there is good reason to protects theindividual’s personal data which overrides these legitimate interests. In the case of theDorset Fungus Group which is a social organisation, the legal basis for holding and using thedata is that of legitimate interests. We maintain the name, address, email and telephonenumbers for insurance purposes, and subscriptions paid by individuals for financialtransparency and accounting records.6. Sharing your personal dataThe Management Committee will treat all personal data as strictly confidential. TheMembership Secretary will share your name and membership fees with the Treasurer tobalance accounts and the Chairman and Secretary to send correspondence to members.When sending emails all recipients will be blind copied (Bcc) so their email address is notvisible to others. We share our identifiers personal data with the Fungus Conservation Trustand pay an annual subscription to them for Public Liability Insurance cover to £5 million.Committee contact details will be shared among the committee, in order to run theorganisation effectively. Committee members will not share each other’s contact details withanyone outside of the committee or use them for anything other than Dorset Fungus Groupbusiness, without explicit consent. The Dorset Fungus Group will not share your data withother third parties without your consent, unless legally obliged to do so.7. How is personal data stored?– The Chairman, Membership Secretary, Secretary and Treasurer laptops/ PC arepassword protected and have antivirus software.– When stored on paper it will be filed securely in a locked box/filing cabinet.– When we no longer need data, it will be permanently and securely deleted fromcomputers and paper data will be shredded.– Website enables those with committee roles to have an @dorsetfungusgroup emailaddress that forwards emails onto their personal email.– Dorset Fungus Group has a dedicated mobile phone: 07375 996014 to receive calls fromprospective members, and members who come into difficulty on a foray or decide toleave early.– Photographs of members will be prohibited.8. How long will personal data be stored?– Membership records will be destroyed 7 years after membership has lapsed.– Incident/accident forms will be kept for the life of the organisation.– Financial records containing members names and subscriptions received will bedestroyed after 7 years, to ensure financial transparency.9. Your rights and your personal dataUnless subject to an exception under the GDPR, you have the following rights with respectto your personal data:– If you want to see the basic membership data we hold about you, contact theMembership Secretary. You can contact us, in GDPR terms, with a “Subject AccessRequest” if you want to ask us to provide you with any other information we hold aboutyou, which we are required to provide within one calendar month;– The right to request that Dorset Fungus Group corrects any personal data if it is to befound to be inaccurate or out of date;– The right to request that your personal data is erased where it is no longer necessary forDorset Fungus Group to hold the data;– The right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time;– The right, to object to the processing of personal data;– The right to delete a deceased member contact details within one month of notification, orearlier if so requested.– The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.10. Further processingIf we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by the Data PrivacyNotice, then we will provide you with a new notice prior to commencing the processing.11. Contact DetailsTo exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints in the first instance contact RogerArmstrong, Chairman Dorset Fungus Group chairman@dorsetfungusgroup.com