Star Finds 2013

Star finds – 2013 season

The past season, the autumn of 2013, more than made up for the disappointing year before. We just kept on finding more and more rare fungi.

Here are some of them:-



Ganoderma carnosum

54 records UK

Found on a Yew tree at Delph Wood. This is one of only two brackets which grow on Yew, the other being the well known Laetoporous sulphureus (Chicken of The Woods).

There is apparently only one other instance of it in Dorset (Charminster churchyard, near Dorchester) in 2004.



Ascotremella faginea

96 records UK

Found in Duncliffe Wood and again at Woodgreen.

Not the most pretty of fungi that you will come across but it is quite rare, the usual form you will come across is the Yellow Brain Fungus (Tremella mesentrica) that can often be found growing on Gorse bushes.


Geastrum fornicatum

219 records UK

Found on Brownsea Island. This is a pretty rare Earthstar that we have never seen before.




 Lactarius acris

107 records UK

Found in the New Forest. A rare milkcap that is very unusual in that it exudes PINK milk when broken or damaged. Most milkcaps bleed white or cream coloured milk.


Cystolepiota hetieri

223 records UK

Found by Adam at his Tamarisk Farm at West Bexington.


Geastrum pectinatum

152 records UK

Found at St Catherine’s Hill. Another rare Earthstar that is similar to G.fornicatum listed above


Cantherellus feruginascens

51 records UK)

Rarest of all found in Great Coll Wood. This is a very rare Chanterelle that is much lighter in colour than the well-known C.cibarius . It is also notable in that it turns an orange/red colour when damaged